Royal Arch News

Ailwyn Chapter No. 3535 Installation - 1st April 2019

E Comp Neil Handley and his escort, E Comp Mick Smith, PrAGDC, gathered together at the Abbey Rooms in Ramsey to witness the Installation of the Principals elect. Everyone enjoyed a good ceremony and the excellent Festive Board, albeit that, sadly, E Comp Michael Pearce was not well enough to attend for his induction as Third Principal. We wish him well.


 The Companions of Ailwyn Chapter and their visitors, together with the 2nd Provincial Grand Principal, 

Left to right, E Comp Neil Handley, 2nd Provincial Grand Principal,  H - E Comp David Perkins, Z - E Comp Harvey Cooke, J (acting) - E Comp Esmond Edwards, IPZ - E Comp Matthew Ellis, E Comp Mick Smith - PrAGDC