At the AGM of Provincial Grand Charity on Saturday 9th March 2019, I was delighted to announce the Appointments and Promotions to Supreme Grand Chapter Rank for 2019.
On behalf of the Royal Arch Province, I extend formal congratulations on First Appointment to Past Grand Standard Bearer on behalf of us all to:
E Comp Neil Handley of Dr Oliver who was appointed as our 2nd Provincial Grand Principal in February 2018 and will be promoted to Deputy Grand Superintendent at our Annual Convocation in June. E Comp Neil has had a tremendous first year as part of my Executive and this appointment reflects his contribution to the Royal Arch.
E Comp Francis Margôt of St Ivo Chapter who was exalted into the Royal Arch in January 1989 and progressed through to becoming the Chapter’s First Principal in 2006. Currently, he serves St Ivo Chapter with distinction as Scribe Ezra. In June 2009, he was appointed to Provincial Grand Standard Bearer and this appointment was followed by a promotion to Past Provincial Grand Sword Bearer in June 2014.
Furthermore, it is a great delight for the Province to announce the following promotions:
E Comp Max Bayes of St John’s Chapter. Our Provincial Grand Master who is a Past 3rd Provincial Grand Principal has been promoted to to Past Deputy Grand Sword Bearer.
E Comp Trevor Cooke of Abington Chapter has been promoted to Past Assistant Grand Sojourner
To all four, I extend my personal congratulations and very best wishes from us all throughout the Royal Arch Province.
E Comp James Boughton
ME Grand Superintendent