Royal Arch News

Grand Superintendent's First Provincial Grand Chapter

Provincial Grand Chapter 2018 Convocation

The annual Convocation of Provincial Grand Chapter on Thursday 28 June 2018 was blessed with glorious weather and was another special occasion. It was, as has become the norm, very well attended and the occasion was the first annual Convocation of the recently installed Grand Superintendent, Excellent Companion Jim Boughton. There were many distinguished guests from other Provinces who were warmly welcomed.

Following the business part of the meeting, the Grand Superintendent was pleased to reappoint Excellent Companion Mike Coleman as Deputy Grand Superintendent and Excellent Companion Neil Handley as Second Provincial Grand Principal,. He thanked them not only for their commitment to the Province but also their friendship.

The Grand Superintendent then appointed Excellent Companion John Payne as Third Provincial Grand Principal after which he thanked Excellent Companion Mark Constant for his dedicated service as Third Provincial Grand Principal over the last three years.

After the Provincial Grand Chapter appointments and promotions had been made, the Grand Superintendent addressed the Convocation congratulating Excellent Companion David Brown, Provincial Grand Scribe Ezra and his team, for their meticulous arrangements in preparation for the day’s successful event.

The Grand Superintendent was particularly keen to stress the importance of a strong link between the Royal Arch and Craft, thanking the Provincial Grand Master for his support in this matter. 

As part of this link, the Provincial Grand Superintendent made two uncollared appointments with Excellent Companion John Fergusson becoming the Royal Arch Membership Officer to mirror his role as Craft Provincial Membership Officer, and Excellent Companion Duncan Childs, Craft Provincial Grand Mentor, becoming Provincial Royal Arch Craft Liaison Officer.

A full copy of the Grand Superintendent's address can be found at the following link:

18 06 28 Group

From left: E. Comp. Neil  Handley - 2nd Provincial Grand Principal, E. Comp. JIm Boughton - Grand Superintendent, E. Comp. John Payne - 3rd Provincial Grand Principal, & E Comp Mike Coleman – Deputy Grand Superintendent