Our Provincial Grand Scribe Ezra has circulated an announcement to all our Chapters and the appointment was confirmed at Quarterly Communication on Wednesday 13th December 2017, we now know that E Comp James Boughton will be appointed as Grand Superintendent in and over the Royal Arch Province of Northamptonshire, succeeding E Comp Wayne Williams who steps down on 31st January 2018.
E Comp James’ journey in Freemasonry began in 1985 when he was initiated into Heigham Lodge in Rushden and became Worshipful Master in 1992. His journey in the Craft culminated in being appointed as Assistant Provincial Grand Master in 2012, an appointment which he served with great success for four years and became very well known to all across our Province.
The importance of the Royal Arch was not wasted on him and it was in 1987 that E Comp James completed his journey in Pure Antient Masonry when he was exalted into Pemberton Chapter and three years later he became a joining member of Whytewell Chapter, passing through the Chairs of both Chapters between 1993 and 1997. He served both Chapters as Assistant Director of Ceremonies and then Director of Ceremonies. In 1998, he received a first appointment in Provincial Grand Chapter when he became Past Provincial Grand Registrar and then in 2003, he was appointed Provincial Grand Scribe Nehemiah which he served with some considerable distinction. After a short break from his appointment as Assistant Provincial Grand Master, our Grand Superintendent invited E Comp James to become the 2nd Provincial Grand Principal in June 2017; it was a challenge that he relished and has taken on with his customary energy and passion.
E Comp James said, "I am looking forward to this new challenge, to encourage others to join us in experiencing the joys of the Supreme Degree of the Royal Arch, the culmination of Pure Ancient Freemasonry. It will not be an easy task to follow in the footsteps of E Comp Wayne, however, I am looking to build on the tremendous work that he has done for the Royal Arch over the last ten years"
On the appointment of his successor, E Comp Wayne said "January 31st will be a sad day for me personally but I have the comfort and satisfaction of knowing that my successor is a true Royal Arch Mason through and through. Jim and I have known each other for some 50 years plus, our Masonic careers have followed the same course in recent years and I have no doubts whatsoever that he will prove a very worthy Grand Superintendent. He will continue to take the Royal Arch Province forward with the help and the support I know that he will receive"