Royal Arch News

Another Master Mason Exalted At Chapter Of St Giles

1st December 2017 saw Bro Bartlomiej Krogulec complete his journey in Pure Antient Masonry when he was exalted into the Supreme Order of the Royal Arch in the Chapter of St. Giles No. 8736.

The Chapter’s Principals, E Comp David Docherty, E Comp Malcolm Atkins and E Comp Garth Coward, led their team with some fine ritual. A special note must be made to E Comp Billy Glover who stood in at short notice for the Principal Sojourner’s role so excellently. The signs were perfectly presented by E Comp Arthur Byles, followed by the Historical Lecture, presented in an exemplary style by E Comp David Jackson, Comp Chris Vickers and E Comp Derrick Stringer. The Mystical Lecture was very well presented by E Comp Ken Marris, E Comp Gordon Brown and E Comp David Jackson.

The evening was rounded off when E Comp Ken Marris presented Comp Andrew Bloice and Comp Yakub Caratella with their Grand Chapter Certificates. This was followed by a fantastic Christmas Supper festive Board.

Below Comp Krogulec is welcomed by the Three Principals: Left to right; E Comp Malcolm Atkins, Comp Bartlomiej Krogulec, E Comp David Docherty, and E Comp Garth Coward.

 17 12 08 st giles 1