We have now circulated to all Chapters details of the recent announcement of Appointments and Promotions to Supreme Grand Chapter Rank for 2017.
Many Companions will have already been notified or advised within the last day or two but may I on behalf of the Royal Arch Province extend formal congratulations on First Appointment to Past Grand Standard Bearer on behalf of us all to:
E Comp Mark R Constant of Euston Chapter who was first promoted as our Third Provincial Grand Principal in June 2015 and will be re-appointed again at our Annual Convocation in June of this year. E Comp Mark is well known and respected throughout the Province – a worthy addition to the Provincial Team and has been of great support, contributing a great deal to the success of this Royal Arch Province throughout.
We are indeed grateful to him; he is well worthy of this further recognition.
E Comp John A Payne of Cytringan Chapter who has been our Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies since June 2015. Prior to that, he served Province as both Deputy GDC and Assistant GDC and as such, he is well known throughout the Province therefore. A popular Companion with all Royal Arch members with a fine sense of humour, yet a strict disciplinarian when it comes to the protocols and accuracy of our ceremonial work.
His recognition at Supreme Grand Chapter rank is richly deserved.
We can also formally recognise the Promotion of E Comp Dr Bob Beeton of Chicheley Chapter to the Supreme Grand Chapter Rank of PGStB. He was first appointed as a Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies in April 2006 and whilst not enjoying the best of health in more recent times, he has served the Royal Arch Province magnificently over the last 10/11 years and for that, we have been extremely grateful.
E Comp Bob also carries the Craft Grand Rank of Past Junior Grand Deacon – promoted in 2012 from PAGDC which he had held since 1994.
To all three, I extend my personal congratulations and very best wishes from us all throughout the Royal Arch Province.
E Comp Wayne E Williams
ME Grand Superintendent