Promotions and Appointments – June 2017: The complete list of Companions who I intend to appoint and promote at Provincial Grand Chapter in June has now been widely circulated to Grand Officers and to the Scribe E of each Chapter.
The sharper eyed amongst you will have no doubt noticed that I intend to appoint and invest E Comp Jim Boughton as our new 2nd Provincial Grand Principal as E Comp George Clayton stands down after having given exemplary service to the Royal Arch Province and the Executive over the last three years in particular. Naturally I will talk in greater detail at our Annual Convocation but I will take this opportunity to express our gratitude and appreciation to E Comp George who has needed to endure certain minor health issues and now wishes to free up time so that any lingering problem can be addressed properly.
E Comp George was appointed as our 3rd Provincial Grand Principal in 2014 and promoted to Provincial Grand Haggai in the following year. It was a delight to see him receive his first appointment to Supreme Grand Chapter rank as Past Grand Standard Bearer in April of last year to recognise his commitment to the Royal Arch over many years and for his major contribution to Province since 2014.
In particular, he has taken responsibility for improving the Royal Arch’s communication strategy and the increased profile we have achieved on Social Media generally. In this respect, we also acknowledge the considerable input we have received from E Comp John Fergusson and between them, they can be rightly proud of the way in which they have driven the radical overhaul of the Royal Arch Web Site. Furthermore, E Comp George has been responsible for creating a regular flow of interesting news articles from all over the Province through his chosen network of correspondents and to whom we also owe a considerable debt of gratitude.
The support we have received from E Comp George to myself and other members of the Executive has been exemplary; he is a fine Royal Arch Mason and I am delighted (and somewhat relieved) that we will still have the benefit of George’s input after he has retired in all matters of Social Media to include our Web Site, Twitter, Facebook and to which I collectively and affectionately refer to as my old favourite, the Intertwit!
E Comp Jim Boughton needs no introduction of course – well known to us all as a Grand Officer both in the Craft and the Royal Arch and having recently completed his tenure as an Assistant Provincial Grand Master, an office which he held and served with great distinction. He was exalted into Pemberton Chapter in Rushden in September 1987 and became First Principal of Pemberton Chapter in May 1996 before which he became a joining Member of Whytewell Chapter in October 1990 and progressed to the First Principal’s Chair in 1995.
In 2003, he was appointed active Provincial Grand Scribe Nehemiah and received his appointment as Past Grand Standard Bearer in Supreme Grand Chapter in 2009. Undoubtedly, he will bring a wealth of experience to the Royal Arch Executive and the Province in general and we will all share in his passion and in his energy for the Supreme Degree.
To all those Companions across the Province who will be promoted and appointed at our Annual Convocation in June, I congratulate you all on behalf of the Executive. Your preferment is deserved and well earned; enjoy your special day when it eventually arrives – I know I shall!
Wayne E Williams
ME Grand Superintendent