Royal Arch News

A Most Memorable Day At Installation Of Warwickshire's New Grand Superintendent

On Tuesday 18 November 2016, E Comp Phil Hall was installed as the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent in and over the Royal Arch Province of Warwickshire. While it was a very special day for E Comp Phil, it was also a very memorable day for our very own Grand Superintendent, E Comp Wayne Williams, who was invited to act as the 2nd Grand Principal for the installation meeting; he was part of the installation team which was very well led by E Comp Russell Race, Grand Director of Ceremonies, E Comp Oliver Lodge, and included his very good friend, E Comp Peter Kinder, Leicestershire & Rutland’s Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, who acted as 3rd Grand Principal.

It was a most enjoyable day and the Province of Northamptonshire & Huntingdonshire wishes E Comp Phil every success as Grand Superintendent and look forward to welcoming him over the border in the not too distant future.

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The Installation team (left to right):- E Comp Wayne Williams, Grand Director of Ceremonies, E Comp Oliver Lodge, MEGS (Warwickshire)
E Comp Philip Hall, 2nd Grand Principal, E Comp Russell Race & E Comp Peter Kinder.