Assistant Provincial Grand Master Installed As Gildenburg Chapter's First Principal
On Thursday 20 October, a rather special event occurred in the calendar of Northamptonshire & Huntingdonshire's Provincial Grand Chapter. Almost the entire Team, led by the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E Comp Wayne Williams, accompanied by his Executive team and a veritable plethora of Grand Chapter and Acting Provincial Grand Chapter Officers, descended upon Peterborough Masonic Centre for the first team visit of the season, which was hosted by Gildenburg Chapter.
It was a very special occasion, W Bro David Burton, PSGD, one of our Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, was duly installed as MEZ in a most exemplary manner by E Comp Nick Cesare, which was a splendid conclusion to his very successful term a MEZ. There was such a magnificent number of Companions attending that the convocation was held in the main temple and was filled almost to capacity. The Gildenburg Chapter team were congratulated on producing such fine work in the temple. Notably, Organist, E Comp Mike Flanagan, provided excellent musical accompaniment throughout the ceremony.
A very warm and convivial atmosphere pervaded the whole evening, both in the temple and at the excellent Festive Board, culminating in an extremely happy and memorable evening for all present, but especially the MEZ, E Comp David Burton, for the ensuing year.
Gildenburg Chapter's 3 Principals pictured above with the Provincial team (left to right):- E Comp Marcus Murphy, Haggai,
MEZ, E Comp David Burton & E Comp Richard Olsen, Joshua
Pictured above Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E Comp Wayne Williams
& E Comp David Burton
Pictured above Gildenburg Chapter's Organist E Comp Mike Flanagan
who provided such fine musical accompaniment,