The Provincial Office is now closed till the 2nd of January. We wish everyone a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year!

Presentation of Jubilee Certificate to E Comp Pat Marlow

One of the first duties of our Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E Comp Wayne Williams, following his installation was to sign but two Jubilee Certificates.

The first was presented to E Comp Pat Marlow by the Deputy Grand Superintendent, E Comp David Jackson at a meeting of the St Crispin Chapter 5627 in Kettering on Friday 18 May.

(l to r) E Comp Pat Marlow, E Comp David Jackson (Deputy Grand Superintendent),  E Comp Ivan Greaves (Provincial Grand Scribe E)

Pat had been exalted on Thursday 23rd May 1957 in front of 26 members and 12 visitors when the alms collection had amounted to £3.14.4d.

Noting that his certificate was being presented 'early' he vowed to take very good care of himself over the following five days!