The Provincial Office is now closed till the 2nd of January. We wish everyone a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year!

Provincial Reaction to the New Royal Arch Ritual

The approval by Supreme Grand Chapter of the new Royal Arch Exaltation Ritual was swiftly followed by a demonstration given by the Provincial Executive in Northampton in December 2004, when none other than the Provincial Grand Master (then VWBro Nicolas Hart) acted as Candidate!

The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E Comp Peter Kitson said,

This revised working, initiated by our own Past Grand Superintendent, E Comp Richard Sandbach, was ten years in the making and it is gratifying to note how quickly it has been accepted and adopted by all Chapters in the Province, I am so delighted. It brings the ceremony of Exaltation to life and makes it much more meaningful and relevant to the Candidate on the night. It is much more ‘user friendly’ and I have no doubt it will do much to encourage membership of the Royal Arch when our members are discussing it with young members of the Craft.


Provincial Grand Chapter printed a booklet (left) containing the new ritual in its entirety. Copies are available from Chapter Scribe E’s and from the Provincial Office priced £2.

New Holy Royal Arch Ritual books (right) containing the new ritual are now also available from the usual sources.